Konf Typesafe Config Adapter

Adapter to use typesafe config from Konf so you can combine TypeSafe config and conf.

This project is maintained by advantageous

Konf Website

Konf - Typed Java Config Integration

This allows you to combine TypeSafe config and Konf. You can have TypeSafe config be a fallback for Konf or the other way around.

You can load TypeSafe config as a Konf Config instance as follows:

Loading Typesafe config as a Konf Config object

        Config config = TypeSafeConfig.typeSafeConfig();
        final String abc = config.getString("abc");
        assertEquals("abc", abc);

You can also chain TypeSafe config as fallback or Konfig as a fallback for TypeSafe config as follows:

Konf as a fallback for TypeSafe config.

import static io.advantageous.config.ConfigLoader.config;
import static io.advantageous.config.ConfigLoader.configs;
import static io.advantageous.config.ConfigLoader.load;


    Config config;
        config = configs(TypeSafeConfig.typeSafeConfig(), config("test-config.js"));