Konf Lib for reading LAX JSON and JSON files.
This project is maintained by advantageous
This lib allows you to get type safe config from JSON LAX, and JSON files.
Let's look at some examples.
This project allows you to combine Boon JSON parser with Konf.
import static io.advantageous.konf.boon.BoonConfigLoader.boonConfig;
final Config config = boonConfig("reference.conf");
final String abc = config.getString("abc");
assertEquals("abc", abc);
Now let's read some strict JSON.
import static io.advantageous.konf.boon.BoonConfigLoader.loadStrictJson;
final Config config = loadStrictJson("test-config.json");
final String bar = config.getString("bar");
assertEquals("baz", bar);
final int foo = config.getInt("foo");
assertEquals(1, foo);
We can combine JSON Lax with Konf as a fallback (or the other way around).
import static io.advantageous.config.ConfigLoader.configs;
import static io.advantageous.config.ConfigLoader.config;
Config config = configs(boonConfig("reference.conf"), //lax JSON
config("test-config.js")); // test-config
Boon supports strict JSON or lax JSON as in relaxed JSON. With relaxed JSON you can single quote keys or use no quote at all. Relaxed JSON is very similar to Type Safe Config format.
You can use =
instead of :
You can use all three common forms of comments #
, \*
, and \\
Add an extra comma, forget a comma, and it still works.
abc : "abc",
//This allows comments
myUri: "http://host:9000/path?foo=bar",
# There are different ways to allow comments
someKey: {
nestedKey: 234,
other: "this text"
Are commnents great?
int1: 1,
//Look no comma
float1 : 1.0
//Look I can use equal instead of colon
double1 = 1.0
long1: 1,
//No quote around the string
string1: rick,
//Don't need to quote strings but you can.
stringList: [Foo, Bar],
configInner: {
int2: 2,
float2: 2.01
myClass: "java.lang.Object",
myURI: "http://localhost:8080/foo",
//Maps can have single quotes or double quotes
employee: {'id': 123, name: "Geoff"},
employees: [
{id: 123, "name": "Geoff"},
{id: 456, "name": "Rick"},
{id: 789, 'name': "Paul"}
//commas are optional
floats: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
doubles: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
longs: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
ints: [1, 2, 3],
//You can leave off the comma
diskSpace: "10gigabytes"
// You can end in a comma makes cutting and pasting easier since you
// don't have to worry about the trailing comma.
diskVolumes: ['10 gigabytes', '10GB', '10gigabytes', '10B'],
Keep in mind that you do not have to use Lax JSON. Lax JSON is much more terse, and allows comments.
Boon gives good parse error messages, and it will tell you the exact line of config that has the problem.
"foo" : 1
"bar" : "baz"
The current character read is '"' with an int value of 34
expecting '}' or ',' but got current char '"' with an int value of 34
line number 3
index number 16
"bar" : "baz"